Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dear Taylor Swift haters and Swifties alike...

I love Taylor Swift because…

She is amazingly talented in singing and songwriting. Her songs make sense, I can relate to them, even. She isn’t like most other pop artists, who go around wearing crazy costumes and leotards and such to get attention, or who have been consumed by fame, or who go out drinking every night. Taylor is very much a down-to-earth kind-of girl. She is really sweet and really appreciates her fans. I also love Taylor’s attitude, she is sweet and kind while still she stands up for herself. That’s a beautiful thing. I love how she never gives up. She spent pretty much her whole life, while trying to go to school as well, from 11 to 16 just trying to get a record deal. She got turned down probably a million times but she still didn’t give up. She persuaded her parents to move all the way from Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, to a suburb near Nashville, Tennessee to follow her dreams. I love that. So even if you don’t like Taylor Swift, you’ve got to at least respect her for that. Don’t hate on her, please. If you don’t like her music then that’s fine! But don’t hate on her as a person, it makes you look like a retard as you DON’T know her. I bet you didn’t know any of what I just said until now, did you? How would you feel if you worked so hard for your dream to come true and it did, people started hating you as a person and saying you shouldn’t be doing what you love doing? Not very good, right? Well then. Please stop hating on Taylor. Thanks.




  1. Dude, I know ur aiming that at me. lol. No, I DON'T hate Stinky Swift as a person, I just don't like her music. And don't say that she doesn't go around wearing crazy clothes. Yeah, maybe she doesn't go around wearing AS crazy clothes. But next time u look at a pic of her, look at how much mascara she's wearing. It's up to her hair-line! I DO respect her dream and all that goody-goody stuff. But just don't like pop-music. It's an argument that'll never go down. I respect your difference in taste of music, lady, so don't try to change my mind about Tay Tay.

    1. It was pointed at you directly, Actually, I wrote after realizing how much like me she is, and getting tired of seeing hate comments all over her videos and and pictures ect. ect.
      She doesn't wear crazy clothes. She wears dresses or jeans. She's a famous person, they wear mascara. I'm glad you respect her lol, I know you just don't like pop-music, as I said it wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at idiots, and I'm not trying to convert you! Swifties aren't a cult they're a fan-base! lol. The only reason I sent it to you, was so you could see how hard she worked to make her dreams come true, because it's awesome.

    2. OK seariously JAZZ she is awesome and she does not where mascara up to her hair line that would be A LOT!!! and she doesn't have bangs so it would be but I DO LIKE TAYTAY

  2. I already knew her sob story before, and to me, that's all fine and dandy, but SERIOUSLY! Her make up is all like blooga shnargha! Never mind, great she's an amazing sugary sweetness. Period. (If you couldn't see the one i already put)Heres a little poem i just thought of just now.

    Taylor Swift

    Tay Tay
    Why do you stink
    Like mayo

    Sorry, just couldn't resist posting that.

    I respect that you respect, and we all respect respect.
    Aright? But I just hate her music. No stopping that
